Build Your Own Electric Skateboard, Scooter, or Bike!

What is Lectec?

Ready to embark on a STEM adventure that combines learning, creativity, and fun? Lectec’s DIY Electric Skateboard Kit is more than just a project; it's a launchpad for your students’ imaginations and a gateway to a lifelong love of STEM.

Students will learn about engineering, physics, and electronics concepts while building a skateboard they can actually ride.

The Lectec curriculum and app integrate seamlessly into your in-school lesson plans or afterschool program.

Kits to get your students moving!

Lectec’s educational kits provide all the parts and tools needed for kids to learn about motors, pulleys, and batteries all while building something they can ride outside the classroom.

Everything you need to Learn, Build, and Ride!


Our curriculum follows ISTE and NGSS standards where a problem based learning environment covers Motion, Physics, Engineering, + more!!


All parts, tools, and assembly instructions are included with each kit. Open the box and build - with none of the hard stuff like soldering or welding.


Lectec’s modular system can be used to electrify anything - like a Wheelchair, Soap Box Car, Robot, GoKart, or whatever you can imagine!

Ready to Ride?

Have questions or interested in learning more? Contact us to schedule a conversation or get a quote!